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Download Casio custom rom updates

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How to update your CASIO GzOne(C771)With this guide you will be able to find, download and install all necessary updating files for your CASIO GzOne(C771).Hope you can get satisfied with the new device update, enjoy the last Android version and don�t forget to look for new updates frequently.Firstly, you have what you came for: the updates.
Choose between � OTA� or � Non OTA� to get the instructions.If you choose OTA you will get a simply step by step guide to perform the process. Otherwise you will be redirect to your official developer webpage, where you can get the update files. Update from carrierHere we provide you a list of mobile custpm carriers to let you get some interesting resources such as update files, coverage maps an other interesting information.
You only need to deploy the list and select a carrier. Some devices can be updated using software provided by carriers so, here you've a chance to get it downloaded.Select ccustom carrier � At the drivers section you can obtain the last updated drivers for your device. A driver is a kind of software which provides casio custom rom updates interface that allows the user to communicate with the operative system, without which, you couldn't have any kind of answer from the device.
As you can see, drivers are an essential piece in Android world.Here we have put a way to get an update for drivers. Official download is always available, and, in most cases, local download too.
Both, official and local are valid. It is interesting, updstes you are going to root, to have the drivers updated and it's also important in order to get the best user experience.Lastly, if your device and drivers are up-to-date, maybe you will be interested in rooting your Android OS. Rooting is a very searched process by Android users (AKA Jailbreak in iOS). Being root, get root access or superuser permissions is fully legal and gives you the entire control over your Android OS device as if it were you own PC.
No matter which kind you have: phone, tablet even smartwatch are 'rootable'. Thus, we have put a link so that you can do it.REMEMBERDon't update via OTA after rooting! Custom roms have their own updates and, most of them, have been uploaded in forums or the web where you downloaded it. However, a new software called OTA Update Center is being developed. It will ease the ROM updating process in near future.OTA Updates:- OTA Updates are automatic updates that pop up on your device screen, therefore, they don't need to be downloaded.
You can also check for them manually in:'Settings => About your phone => Update software'If you get an OTA Update notification and you want to update your device following this method you only casoi to click in the OK / Accept button and the update will be started. We recommend you to ensure battery updqtes full charged and you're connected to a WIFI network because the update can require to download many files.
After the download process you must click over 'Install now' button and when the installation will be finished your device will be updated.If you have any doubt, read more information about OTA Updates in the following link.OTA Updates Info Non OTA Updates: Specific Manufacturer SoftwareIf the manufacturer provides a specific software, such as KIES application (Samsung) or PCCompanion (Sony), the program itself will download the appropriate ROM files depending on dom, country.
and you casio custom rom updates be able to update your device directly using this specific manufacturer software.Update with manual installationHowever,if you can't get any specific software from manufacturer you will need to download from official manufacturer's website the update files to your computer.
Then, you must copy cazio files to your Android phone or tablet via cable connection and finally, you will need to follow the steps provided by the manufacturer to install the update in your device.Drivers for CASIO GzOne(C771)This section will redirect to the drivers download page, just choose between local or official download. A driver is a kind of software that allows your device to interact with hardware, such like connecting your smartphone with your pc.
Some of them are installed csutom updated automatically when the hardware is connected, but others not. They are easy to get and install, just click on the link.Drivers Download Root your CASIO GzOne(C771)After performing the update of software and drivers, you can click the link below an select your Android OS version in order to root it, we have also put a step by step tutorial for you. By rooting Android OS you will get superuser permissions and you will be able to change the ROM too.
If you want.Rooting Android GuideWe know that root can be a confusing experience, here goes an interesting article with information about the rooting process. There is also another article more extended if you are not satisfied yet. Reading both articles would be a good option and we custmo that it's not a waste of time.Rooting Info Legal ConditionsHexamob doesn't get responsable aboIntro: Upgrade your Casio fx-82es into 115es/991es/570esThe circuits of Casio fx-*es series are almost the same, except the mode selection part.
So you can upgrade room calculator by modifying the circuit. I am Chinese . The circuits of Casio fx-*es series are almost the same, except the mode selection part. So you can upgrade your calculator by modifying the circuit.I am Chinese and I edited these photos for a local forum.
So please ignore Chinese characters on the photos.This method is available for casio fx-*es calculators. NOT MS or ES PLUS series. Check the version of your calc.The version is marked on the back of the calc. you can see a letter in a small circle which is at the top-right corner of the rectangle that has text in it.If the letter is A, you are lucky.Just open the custon, find the P4 jumper on board, fill the gap with pencil.Then turn on your calc, see if there are 8 ipdates available.If the letter is B, see the following, it is difficult to upgrade, but it is possible.CAUTION: The success rate seems be VERY low.
About only 20% can do it without experience. It is easier to do it with a magnifier.It will mostly affect the display(too dim, strengthen ) if you fail.or just not able to turn on.TRY THIS AT YOUR OWN�RISK
I tried it and it actually worked! On the PCB (open the case!) there is a big 'A' written down with a marker.
I custoj some aluminium foil over eom jumper 'D4_1' and gained all the features of the 991. Thanks again :)
I'm one of the administrators from Fx-ES(MS) calculator forum,too. English version of the article in the photos are small. If you prefer, you can look to the Chinese forum. Welcome ~ (Chinese forum address:https://fxesms.5d6d.com/thread-2820-1-1.html) Another word of warning: most frequently upgrade is P-mode.Good luck I'm one of the administrators from Fx-ES(MS) calculator forum. This guide is only for Ver.B ROM 18 ES Series. This is called hardware upgrade(maybe hardware modify?
I'm not sure.) in our forum and "??" in Chinese. The ES series are easily divided into 82ES, 991ES and other models by a jumper. This jumper were easy to modify in the past few years. (Can you see C(Canceled?)P0, CP1, CP2 and other contacts on the PCB of your ES(Ver.B)? They were connected with the CPU in Ver.A. You could change the P-value(P means program) in the self-check screen by connecting these unconnected contacts.) If you have a Ver.A 82ES and it's ROM 18, you can upgrade it in an easier way with no danger.
ROM 21 ES calculators have no 991ES programs inside. So it's impossible to upgrade ROM21 calculators updatse. We have been looking for a better way to hardware upgrade for a long time.
But the probability of success is still very low. My old Ver.B ES was nearly damaged rmo months ago. Luckily, I found a Ver.A and bought it. I successfully modified it into P0(991ES). Now I use Nspire CAS. P0-991ES Fraction format: d/c P4-991ES Fraction format:a b/c P3-82ES Fraction format:d/c P7-82ES Fraction format:a b/c .
P? means more than one P contacts are connected. Modes in menu are depend on contacts you connect P- means no P contacts are connected. It's a very special mode. Modes:3 Output format:decimal Keyboard mode:991ES(That means you can use 991ES' programs which are in Comp mode) There is a complete chart about P modes on our forum but I can't find it now.
Sorry. If I find it, I'll translate it into English and send it to this forum. Sorry for my bad English :p
thank for your advice.
I will update this post on weekend.
this is my post on a local forum(Chinese): https://fxesms.5d6d.com/thread-2820-1-1.html
there are more photos that can explain it.
There's a blob of black resin covering the CPU. He's describing how to pick off the black-stuff to expose connections on the CPU.
If you bridge these with (conductive) graphite successfully, it changes the way the machine functions.
Could you explain exactly what this is doing?
It seems to be advising a graphite-bridge on update CPU, which you locate with a ruler.
I'm struggling to get my head around this working.
yes, there are 8 mode selecting pins(P0~P7) and a ground pin(P-) at the border of the chip.
When the P- is connected to any one of the P0~P7, it shows the selected mode on the self-check screen.
when more than one pins are connected, it shows P?, and the function depends hpdates what pins you are connected.
But the P0 is the closest pin to the P- so it is most easy to connect.
P0 is for 991ES/115ES/570ES, and P3 is for 82ES
So they cost almost exactly the same amount of money to produce, but they add a "jumper" for the more advanced device?
Could you put a difficulty level on this, tom is % probability that the average person will break the machine vs enable the modes - it looks risky for someone other than yourself who is obviously skilled and knowledgeable.
Was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction I tried using rom manager but I can't find my model :/. And my commando has android version 2.2.1 on it is there a way to put android version 2.3.4+ Similar Messages� Amazon :: How Come My Kindle Fire wont Recognize To Windows Vista� Android :: Help please installing custom roms� Android :: Should I downgrade before flashing a custom ROM based on a lower version of Android?� LG :: How can i get the default android OS 2.1 back after installing a Custome ROM?� Motorola :: No custom roms on the milestone?� Android :: Custom ROM experts.� Samsung :: No data after flashing custom ROM.� HTC Desire :: Latest Custom Rom info please� Android :: MoDaCo Pulse Custom ROM v1.6 .� Android :: Roid uprates very slow - downgrade or custom rom?� Samsung Galaxy S5 :: Think I need to root and custom rom.� Android :: Running a Custom ROM in the Android Emulator� HTC One :: Problem with Android Revolution HD Custom ROM 71.1� Android :: I put a gom rom on my phone and now there is no baseband and no connection� Motorola :: ROM Base version and Android System version mismatch?� Android :: Issues installing custom ROM "Sapphire" latest version: Status 7� Android :: Developers Required for Android Custom Rom.� Android :: Stock Android or Custom ROM?� Sprint :: Please please please help me My Galaxy s3 d2vzw will not turn on custom rom slimkat I have tried rebooting each device, and the computer won't see my device, i have the adb drivers installed, so why won't my windows vista see my kindle, not even in the device manager.
View 1 Reply View Related New upfates the forum and had a question. Can I install a custom kernel to overclock my Droid without installing a custom ROM? I'm just using the stock Vasio with updwtes.
Would like to use sp recovery as I have had issues with rom manager. View 2 Replies View Related I installed Velocity on my LG Ally to see if i would like it and I really dont I cant access my rooting ipdates anymore and so my rom manager doesnt work.
I tried doing a factory reset but no matter what i do velocity wont go away I want my factory software back bt i cant find a zip file for it. View 3 Replies View Related Is it true that we cannot flash the milestone with custom roms? I read something saying we cant because all roms have to be signed by in motorola in order to work =(btw when is android cistom officially coming to the milestone?
Eom 9 Replies View Related I have tried installing a few different roms and am having some issues. Would like to get these taken care of so I can go ahead and use some custom roms.
Moto droid 1 p3 droid low voltage 1 ghz kernel on stock rooted froyo. I have tried installing the following roms; Bugless beast 4.4: installs but no apps that require root/superuser permissions work(rom manager, setcpu, etc. ). I like this rom a lot and would like to know how to fix this issue. Chevyno1 simply stunning latest build: will replay droid logo and boot animation over and over. Does not revert to motorola logo, just droid and boot animation.
Not sure if that counts as a bootloop. Ultimate droid latest build: same exact updatds as simply stunning rom. What could be causing these issues? Why does BB kill my root access and why won't the other roms get past boot screen? And how do I fix upddates issues? View 15 Replies View Related I recently flashed Resurrection Remix 4.0.6 and although it's an amazing rom I can't seem to get my data to work.
I entered my APN settings as per my carrier's (Telus) recommended settings and tried flashing different modems but nothing seems dustom work. My regular signal works perfect. View 1 Reply View Related I just hate to get rid of my now old Desire A8181.
I rooted it in 2011 to run Cyanogenmod 7.1.0 Build Number GWK74. Android version 2.3.7. I cannot find a Cyanogenmod update. I have lost touch with latest developments in rooting the Desire but would appreciate a quick update on recommendations for a new casio custom rom updates updated rom.
I have just replace a battery so it lasts a day with care, but memory issues are making it laggy - especially with Playstore and Google Play services etc. As a pensioner I want to avoid cuatom the Desire if I can because it basically does all I need. View 2 Replies View Related I would like to report that this update was very successful, and I am now tempted to put on the WaveSecure addition just in case my phone is ever nicked (stolen for non-Brits). It runs fine and is quite fast as it happens, plus it has a few additional features.
View 1 Reply View Related Is ultra slow and laggy on my Nexus I've done the factory reset and have a limited number of apps installed, but it's still really slow when trying to use the browser or google maps or whatever.
I'm rlm if anyone else with 4.1.2 has these same issues on their Nexus S? Would it be possible to downgrade or install a custom rom to overcome these #These posts are currently revision 17 as of 10/17/14#if you have this rom and want to update to m150, follow this guide by monkeytoolsHello Commando C771 users,"What if I told you-that there was a new (updated) ROM for your device?"Well, if the above meme does not give it away already, then the following will.
I have been working on a ROM for the Commando, and it is ready for release. This "RedPill ROM" is unlike any other. It is packed with features, including:� Pre-installed BusyBox and SuperUser.� de-bloated - no trace of Verizon or any other 'less than useful' apps� Pre-installed "Tools Update"� A new slightly larger red battery icon that shows battery capacity in increments of 1, unlike the stock ROM, which shows in increments of 5.� An awesome red theme to all functioning first-party system apps� A csaio pre-installed matrix background� A ro animation with binaries to support the "bootanimation.zip" type file� A friendly install script with a system space checker to make sure that it installed properly.� A boot image that not only is "unlocked", but has adb enabled by default.
From when you first start the phone to when or if you turn it off, adb will be there with you!*� (Updated) A more direct shutdown menu with options to go into either reboot, hot boot, bootloader(NEW), recovery, or shutdown.� Much faster due to the removal of system apps.� (NEW) COMPLETE GPS Support� (NEW) Removed the top "shutdown method" text� (Updated) The boot animation xasio now in custpm more with the video and audio.Instructions to install:� Use TB to backup your user apps and data and system data� Download the ROM and put it on your SD card� Tom into GNM recovery� Make a Nandroid backup if you have not already� Perform a data wipe (factory reset option).
It is necessary now. Sorry ladies and Gents� Go back to the main menu and then select flash zip menu->install from SD card� Navigate to the zip file� Install and make sure that it installed**� Reboot and enjoy the ROM!If your GPS does not work, a way to get it to work is to install a stock version of your ROM, and then install the RedPill ROM on top dustom the original ROM."Remember. I'm only offering you the [ROM], nothing more." I am not responsible for what may happen on your phone due to your actions.
However, I can offer support and answer questions.And press thanks/like/donate? if you like it!Enjoy the ROM!Thanks to:-Monkeytools for letting me base this ROM off of his, allowing me to use his android policy file, allowing me to modify his boot.img file, allowing me to use parts of his updater-script file, and alpha/beta testing the ROM. THANK YOU GOOD SIR!Link to his work: https://androidforums.com/commando-a.asio-blues-themed-rom-updated-5-5-2013-a.html-Also thank you to Ruyen for his/her feedback.-Whoever made that generic bootanimation binary-Whoever made GIMP/BIMP.
Those programs are SO HELPFUL!-*I can not guarantee that the adb service will be active if you are running a kernel below M130 and tried to boot with nothing in the system partition. Be very careful! You can turn it off in settings**To make sure that it installed, just read the text that tells you how much space was used.
If it is a small number (I.E. 4, 5, 1 MB) then it cjstom NOT install and you should restore your Nandroid backup.-DOWNLOAD: Click Here. Commando->Roms-If you have any problems, please let me know by replying or sending me a pm or replying.Please understand that although this is all free, some donation for my time would be greatly appreciated as I am going to Wentworth Institute of Technology and already know that I will be having a lot of student loans.PayPal Donation to Willster419Thanks and enjoy!!!1! If you want just the theme, I have made that as well.
It is still red, but does not have the tools update, boot animation, etc.-Flash these at your own risk-No need to do a factory reset with both of these files, so just flash and install!The theme only is about 26 MB in space, but size difference may very depending on what is currently on your device. The ROM without the ROM can take up as little as the theme only, updatess as much as (about) 54 MB. It depends on how much space you have.
It makes more since when you download and install it. If, and most likely when, caxio don't have the required space it will reboot before it can "false-install" and boot-loop your device.-DOWNLOAD (OLD THEME): All files are here on my google drive.-I am also including all the png files that I made red.
If ipdates want to make a custom rom, here are all the png files you need to change. See download link above The Shutdown menu options (V1)The browser has a red voice search boxA red Power Control. YES that is fox news custok NO I am not fox news reader.Red DialerSome red home screen widgetsThe red XT9 keyboardA red notification barSome custom system apps from the pre-installed toolUse arrow keys to access sub-menus and sub-menu links, this may require a mode change� Wireless� Residential� Business� Set Location� Espanol� Contact Us� Custoom the sign in/register menu� ?Sign In/Register The new Verizon PlanGet more data and more control on America's best network.Prepaid PlansNo annual contract.
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In the United States and/or other countries. To maintain ccustom resistance ensure the Charging/Data Port cover, Headset Jack, and back cover are securely closed. Press down firmly on all sides of the back cover to ensure that it is securely closed. Enter your email address to get updates Sign up ?By entering your email address and submitting this form, you agree to receiving information, offers and promotions regarding Verizon Wireless products and services.
You acknowledge being at least 13 years of�age. Good news for everybody owning the Casio G�zOne Commando. There�s a recent post coming from xda-developer forum giving hints on how to Update and install Android 6.0 Marshmallow using custom ROM on Casio G�zOne Commando.The Android 6.0 Marshmallow comes with various advantages and features, but the obvious one is the performance improvement.
The new OS offer up to 4 times of performance improvements, along with faster and more powerful computing. Google also claimed that the Android 6.0 Marshmallow can extend your device�s battery casil by up to 90 minutes. It�s a must-have upgrade for every Casio G�zOne Commando owners!The new Android 6.0 Marshmallow comes with many new features :� Mobile payments (Android Pay) feature.� Better RAM Management.� Fingerprint support.� A battery saver feature which extends device use by up to 90 mins.� It has a faster, smoother and more powerful computing experience.� Support for 64-bit SoCs using ARM, x86, and MIPS-based cores.� OpenGL ES 3.1 and Android extension pack brings Android to the forefront of mobile graphics putting it on par with desktop and console class performance.� Responsive, natural motion, realistic lighting and shadows, and familiar visual elements make it easier to navigate your device.� New devices come with encryption automatically turned on to help protect data on lost or stolen devices.� SELinux enforcing for all applications means even better protection against vulnerabilities and malware.� State of the art video technology with support for HEVC main profile to allow for UHD 4K 10-bit video playback, tunneled hardware video decoding to save power and improved HLS support for streaming.� and other cool features.Before you upgrade your device, there are some things you need to consider.
First is you should back up all of your personal data on your smartphone. You also have to enable the USB Debugging is enabled. Last but not least, it is highly recommended to have the Casio G�zOne Commando fully charged. Therefore, you can be sure that the phone can stay on during the whole process. How to Install Android 6.0 Marshmallow ROM on Casio G�zOne Commando1. Download the ROM from the source below.
Note that there are three parts of it. Please download all of them. After you download all of the files, put them all under the same folder. Then all you have to do is to double click the first part and the rest will combine automatically (you have to have WinRar program in order to do so)The ROM File size is big, so I split the file into 3 parts :� Download ROM Caiso 1 : ROM Part 1 or via Mirror� Download ROM Part 2 : ROM Part 2 or via Mirror� Download ROM Part 3 : ROM Part 3 or via MirrorTutorial Video Easy Way To Download ROM : Video Tutorial2.
Visit Google Play Store and then download and install the ROM Manager on your Casio G�zOne Commando. Alternatively, you can try using alternative application such as Jrummy Apps Inc.(Get it from Google Play Store).3. Next, download and install the Clockwork Mod Recovery on your Casio G�zOne Commando.4. Connect the phone to your PC via Updatew cable. Copy the Rom.zip file to your phone�s memory card.5. Restart the phone in Recovery Mode using the ROM Manager.
After the restart is completed, open the ROM Manager again and backup your personal information.6. Go to Recovery Menu and perform the total data erase. After that, go back to Recovery Main Menu and choose the Flash ROM from SD Card. Navigate to the folder in which your Rom.zip is located, and follow the directions for installing Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your Casio G�zOne Commando. As soon as the installation is over, just reboot your Casio G�zOne Commando device, and here you go, tom just upgraded it to the new Android 6.0 Marshmallow.7.
DoneThere you go. It�s very easy to install Android 6.0 Marshmallow ROM on Casio G�zOne Commando, isn�t it? Below are some pictures of Android 6.0 Marshmallow.Leave a Reply � Home� How-To Root� How-To Root Android Video Tutorials� Cuwtom root?� Root Apps� FAQ� How to root Samsung Galaxy S7� How to root Samsung Galaxy S6� How to root Samsung Galaxy S5� How to root Samsung Galaxy S4� How to root Samsung Galaxy S3� News� Support Casio G'zOne Commando c811 Safely root your Casio G'zOne Commando c811Ready to root your Casio G'zOne Commando c811?
Thanks to One Click Root,rooting has never been safer, easier, or faster. When we called oursoftware custpm Click� Root, we really meant it!.featured on How to root the Casio G�zOne Commando c811Step 1) Download One Click Root and install it on your PC, Mac, or Linux computerStep 2) Move to your Casio G�zOne Commando c811 and enable USB debugging from the settings menuStep 3) Connect your Casio G�zOne Commando c811 to your computer via USB cableStep 4) Run the One Click Root software and wait for the rooting process to be completedThe�Casio G�zOne Commando c811 may be a very old smartphone with outdated hardware, but with a custom ROM and some tweaking after rooting the device, you will be able to create an experience that is smooth enough for browsing the internet, using apps and staying in touch with friends via social media and instant messaging.
There are of course plenty of other udates for the�Casio G�zOne Commando c811, but to really get the most out of it we�d advise rooting it. To root the device, simply follow the steps that we have listed above.Why should you root your smartphone? This is a question we get asked often and we can understand why. Rooting an Android smartphone can be a scary process, especially for any first time rooters.
That�s why we�ve created our One Click Root software. We�ve made rooting straightforward and easy to use by absolutely anybody. Once you have rooted this smartphone there are a number of things you are able to do. Firstly, having root access will allow you to access root files and delete pre-installed apps � this can be a lifesaver when you need to free up some space on the limited internal memory of the�Casio G�zOne Commando c811. There is a 32GB SD card slot but this can only be used for apps after rooting.
The 16GB internal storage is already mostly used up by the Android software and unfortunately the amount of pre-installed apps on the c811 is updayes high. Once you�ve rooted it you will be able to get rid of apps like Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Black Hole, Bubbles, Movie Studio and NFL Mobile. There are also a number of custom ROMS that are currently in circulation, one of which will allow you to upgrade to a stock 4.1.2 Jelly Bean experience.Whilst Jelly Bean is now quite outdated too, it features project butter, an initiative that was created to make the Android UI experience run smoother.
This is perfect for an older smartphone like the�Casio G�zOne Commando c811! The�c811 just just 1GB of RAM and a dual core 1.5GHz processor so as you can imagine the performance isn�t spectacular. The device also sports a measly 1,800mAh battery capacity. By rooting your c811 you�ll be able to overclock and underclock your smartphone so it can perform just�how you need it, depending on whether you need more performance or a longer battery life. Easy, Safe, and backed bySupport:More Reasons to Choose One ClickRootStill not convinced about rooting your Android phone, tablet ore-reader?You�ve probably seen online guides and other rooting apps thatclaim to root your android device in one click.
One Click root is farmore user friendly, supports a larger variety of devices, andincludes several fail safes. We also provide full technical supportvia chat and phone. You�ll never feel confused and we�ll assist youevery step of the way so you never feel confused orstuck.
ROOT NOW Safetly root your Android device. Ourtechnicians are certified and can updatex perform a variety oftroubleshooting servicesin addition to rooting your android device. We guarantee that your datawill remain safe when we root, unroot, or repair your Android device.If we cannot safely root your device, we�ll provide a full refund.Guaranteed.ROOT NOW Android Root is committed to providing the best rooting experience possible.We are always available via live chat and by phone.
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Maybe some of you have heard of a certain phone known as the Casio G'zone Commando. It is rugged phone from Verizon, and I think it is time that someone develops a custom rom. Even with all of the bloat uninstalled, it still freezes up every once and awhile. This phone isn't very popular, cudtom not many people have tried a get a custom rom on it. Through my research, this is what I found out: The Commando doesn't have a way to get into a recovery menu (there is no key combanation) However, I know that Getitnowmarketing has posted a working recovery on androidforums.com, but you still need to hook it up to a computer to use it.
So what does this have to do with custom roms? Also, what is a bootloader, and how would I unlock it on the Commando?? I really need some help. If no one will volunteer, I may just try to pull this off, but first, Cqsio am gonna need some education on custom roms and technical android stuff.
Thank you! I have been fooling around with the commando as well, and have found that if you have it connected to your laptop and while booting up you press the power+camera+vol down buttons it will pull up a hard reset screen.
During this time I also had Odin3 v1.70 and it shows under the ID:COM - 0:[COM51] highlighted in yellow. Could we at this point download custom firmware, or possibly root?Any help would be appreciated! Quote:Originally Posted by Tommy Top DriveI have been fooling around with the commando as well, and have found that if you have it connected to your laptop and while booting up you press the power+camera+vol down buttons it will pull up a rm reset screen.
During this time I also had Odin3 v1.70 and it shows under the ID:COM - 0:[COM51] highlighted in yellow. Could we at this point download custom firmware, or possibly root?Any help would be appreciated! That's very interesting! I think this means that there is a way to recover your phone if something goes wrong!Unfortunately, I still don't know if this is enough. Somehow we need to get an expert gom help answer our questions. No, there is not an ICS or JB rom for this device.
I don't know if it would be able to run stock JB and ICS well considering it is 800 mhz (I've heard somewhere the recommended ICS speed is 1 ghz), but overclocking is upeates an option (I think overclocking is easier on custom roms).
Also, JB or ICS may run better on it with some customization.But either way, a custom
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