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Mdb file to exe converter

Download Mdb file to exe converter

A small manual for download:
  • Click "Download Now" image upwards.
  • Here is the link Mdb file to exe converter if the image doesnt shows
  • Then, after you click the image you'll go to the 100% protected site where your download will start shortly
  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

Convert your Microsoft� Access MDE application into a standalone EXE xonverter and tune your database application to have an improved performance much like a desktop software! MDE Compiler is a highly resourceful software utility for Access developers that makes it possible to create EXE file(s) from DB applications and will allow the consumer to specify an icon file and the file version information such as company, description and program version. xProtect your Access MDE / MDB applications using MDECompiler and join the band wagon of hundreds of happy customers that are using this tool.

It also works when you are working with SQL Server DB engine and other DB engines, making it an extremely robust and multi-dimensional tool.

Download Purchase Features � Convert your Access database into a simple EXE mmdb Apply a security layer in your Access application� Compatible with MDE,MDB,ACCDE and ACCDB MS Access files� Custom Icon image� Custom bitmap image (Replace MS Access startup logo)� Custom run command and command line parameters� Custom exe file version information� MDE changes are always updated inside EXE� Disable MS Access security alerts via Windows Registry� Generate a fully customized EXE binary fileLast updates� Open and Save your project files� Load project .ini files using command line� Run only 1 instance of your application for an optimal performance� Automatically download and silent install MS Access Runtime required to run your application� Compatible with big DB applicationsAccess to EXEMDE to EXEACCDE to EXEMDE 2 EXEMS Runtime or MS Access required to be installed in go computer in order to run the compiled new application EXE Download Click here to download MDE COMPILERInstructions� Download the zip file� Open and extract the zip file� Execute MDECompilerSetup.exe and follow instructions� Start Wizard and create your own Exe applicationPlease note that this a demo and will show you a NAG screen.

The registered version won�t show you any NAG screen.Last update: 01 / 2015Microsoft � additional Runtime downloads (external)� Microsoft � Access runtime 2000� Microsoft � Access runtime 2002� Microsoft � Access runtime 2010� Microsoft � Access runtime 2013Purchase / Order DB to EXE Converter is a utility that converts Microsoft Access files from original DB formats to EXE format.

Like original DB files, the EXE files created are not independent of Access, but they allow you to define Access properties before opening and improve the portability and functionality of your databases with or without macros and without macro alert, transferring EXE file properties to DB files.

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You currently have 0 posts.The Home of Simple Software Solutions.O/S Windows XP (SP3) & Windows 7 64bitAccess 2003 (version 11.0)Access 2007 (version 12.0)Remember when posting sample databases you will get a better response if it is pre Access 2007 - not all people have it installed. They will need the Access runtime, either 2007 exee 2010 which are both free from Microsoft. allow you to open and run Access databases, but you cannot create any new objects. Forum JumpSimilar ThreadsThreadThread StarterForumRepliesLast PostConvert CSV file to XLSjamstaModules & VBA309-12-2010 02:21 PMQuestion Database not a valid formatPerissosGeneral2008-05-2010 07:23 AMconvert .db file into a file not editable by userariel81General604-24-2008 12:23 AMCloning method (keep your source mdb safe)pkstormySample Databases004-13-2008 11:26 PMHow to open a Access file exclusively just by double click the .mdb file name?amolinGeneral308-09-2004 09:27 PM All times are GMT -8.

The time now is 04:00 AM.Microsoft Access HelpGeneralTablesQueriesFormsReportsMacrosModules & VBATheory & PracticeAccess FAQsCode RepositorySample DatabasesVideo TutorialsSponsored LinksHow to advertiseMedia Kit Hello all,I have a database in Access .mdb and would like to convert it to a .exe1 possible way would be to use Office Developer but it seems like Microsoft has discontinued the product?

I can't find it anywhere and even if i do, i'm not gonna fork out that sum of money just for converting the database.Does anyone else have any other ideas to convert the .mdb to an .exe?Xhenkaii This can not be done.

To have an .exe you must write your application in a compileable language.The MS Office Developer did not supply the means to create a exe from an mdb, only to be able to build a deployable that would set up the app according to specs. Hi jade,I understand what u mean. What i actually need to do is to create a deployable where only the GUI is accessible to the user.I cannot create a MDE file.

It seem to require the database to be access 02 and up. Does it?Xhenkaii >> I cannot create a MDE file. It seem to require the database to be access 02 and up. Does it?97 you can create an MDE (Tools - Db utilities - Create MDE), did it about 2 mins ago.Cant say for sure about older versionsTo make an exe you'll need to use a VB / C (or the like) front end well found this on a site.hope its useful to people reading this thread.credits to sean who is the administrator thereBasicsLet me start with the basics of a stand-alone, runtime Access application.

As we all know mdb files require that Access be installed on a computer to run. MDB files run in development mode by default but you can open them in runtime mode by creating a shortcut to open the database and adding the /runtime switch.

The shortcut command line includes these elements: So ot open a database in runtime mode create a shortcut with this in its Target field:"C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficemsaccess.exe " /runtime "C:My Documentsmydatabase.mdb"RuntimeThe runtime mode simulates how a database will work if used in conjunction with the Access Cnoverter version. The Access Runtime version is a freely dsitributable version of Access that allows you to open a database file but not to modify it.

You must purchase a royalty free runtime license from Microsoft in order to legally distribute the runtime version of Access. This license is included with the Developers versions of Office.The runtime version of Access cinverter you to make cojverter Access database appear to be a completely independant application.

Users wont even convertwr that your software is an access database unless they dig into the installation directory and see the mdb/mde files.Now comes the tricky part, InstallationInstallationThe Office Developers Edition comes with the Access Setup Wizard (dont know what its called in OfficeXP) that is designed to create an executable file that installs your database, the runtime version of access and all required support files.

Thats great in theory, but the MS Setup Wizard is a piece of junk. We wasted months and thousands of dollars working with it only to find out that even after all the bugs were fixed it interfered with other Access applications. So we scrapped it an found a company called SageKey software that sells an Access Runtime install script for use with Wise Install Builder or InstallShield (the 2 most commonly used install applications).

All you have to do is install Office Developers Edition, Wise InstallBuilder (or InstallShield) the script from SageKey, then you can edit the script as you like (very simple script language and it is commented to tell you where to edit). then click the compile button in Wise and it creates a single EXE file. This is also a great advantage over the MS Install Apps becasue they create an exe file but it must be accompanied by about 30 other files.

Wise creates just one file. That makes it easy to let customers download your app or a demo of your app.Tips and TricksActually I lied when I said that the Install App was the tricky part. Creating an Access database that can be widely distributed is the tricky part. You have to take convertet error handling (idiot proofing) to a whole new level.

But here are some tips and tricks you can use to develop your app.1) Create a Bitmap image for use as a splash screen, name it the same name as the main database file and make sure it installs in the same directory as the main database file.

Access will display your splash screen instead of the Access splash screen when the app starts.2) Download Icon Easel or some other Icon creation software and create an ICO file for your App.

It is a dead giveaway conveerter the Access icon is displayed in the Title bar.3) Create a Help File. The Help software that comes with Office Developers Edition kinda sucks, so I bought an inexpensive app called WinHelpDesign. You can create context sensitive Help files that associate forms, reports or even specific controls with a Help Topic. When the User asks for help, it will take them covnerter to the topic you associated to theDB TO EXE CONVERTER - DBtoEXEDownload HomeWhat's newThisutility converts Microsoft� Access� files from original DB formats(ADP, MDB, ADE, MDE, ACCDB, ACCDE, ACCDT, ACCDR) to EXE format (convertMDB to EXE, convert ADP to EXE, convert ACCDB to EXE, convert ACCDEto EXE, convert Access to EXE).

Like original DB files, the EXEfiles created are not independent of Access, but they allow ,db define Access properties before opening and improve the portabilityand convetter of your databases with or without macros and withoutmacro alert, transferring EXE file properties to DB files.The conversion,moreover to maintain the original format features, inclusive forediting thru the Access, adds others functionalities t the autocompressionand the control over the Access highlight.

So, by be specializedin Access and VBA, can be more advantageous than ZIP files, ZIPautoextracts and program installation utilities. See below the EXEformat features and then some pictures andapplying examples.

EXE Format Features:- AnyAccess DB file format (*.adp; *.mdb; *.ade; *.mde; *.mdw; *.accdb;*.accde; *.accdt; *.accdr) can be tile to EXE;Related to 'Access Version Convedter frame in theUI:- Youcan set the Access version to be used as the default installed version,a specific installed version, or a version of an Access EXE fileindicated directly on the disk.(New in version 2.0 of 07/24/11)- Whenspecifying the default Access installed version to be used, youcan limit the allowed versions, for example, if you limit the usableversions to 10 through 14, and the default installed version isversion 9, then the EXE will not be opened on this version.(New in version 2.0 of 07/24/11)- Ifyou choose to use a version directly from an Access EXE file, youcan specify the name and the path of the file on the disk or activedrive.

If you specify only the file name or the name with a partialpath, in each execution the DBtoEXE ot automatically look fora satisfactory EXE completing the path, and immediately use thefirst and the closest possible option.(New in version 2.0 of 07/24/11)- Youcan still allow the user to select an allowed version on the flight,if there is more than one installed, by holding down the Shift keywhile launching the EXE.

The defined configuration is saved in anINI file next to the EXE to be used automatically in future executions,without holding down the Shift key.(New in version 2.0 of 07/24/11)Related to 'Access Startup Options' frame in theUI:- Canbe fi,e in the Access without macro alert or with a custom alert(Good to work with known files containing macros using the Accessin medium convetter high security level).- Canbe forced the closure of running Access instances at start up.

Thisis helpful to use mdb file to exe converter EXE as an installer for a COM add-in.- Whenopened in a separate instance, it eze start Access in Automationmode, or very Automation mode; Access will thus run totally cleanwithout add-Ins or COM add-ins. However, the disconnection is optionaland, if you disconnect, you can list exceptions by ProgIds or byGUIDs. All the different versions of the same COM add-in have asingle ProgId, and the GUID are different for each version, or moreprecisely for each DLL build.

(Improvedin version 2.0 of 07/24/11)- Whenopened in a separate instance, it can control the Access windowstyle (maximize, minimize, normal, or hidden).

These four last featuresare good to be used when your project is a dictator application.For example, an application developed entirely in VBA, inclusiveforms to show, can run from start to finish with the Access windowalways hidden, without flashes, and without macro alerts.Related to 'EXE File Open Options' frame in theUI:- Canshow, without text size limit, an alert before opening in the Access(Good to installation alerts, copyright, guidance etc.).- Canrequire password-to-open so safe that only can be cracked by attempts(brute force) same knowing the converter source code.

Then, if youput a password and forget it, no-one, neither this utility author,can help you.- Canavoid access to Visual Basic Editor (VBE). (Newin version 2.0 of 07/24/11)- Thehandle of a window in Windows is passed to the VBA, so it can watchthe EXE and take action when a program fails to run for some reason,for example, misuse of Ctrl+Alt+Del ( See Ex.

2).(Newin version 2.0 of 07/24/11)Related to 'EXE File Save Options' frame in theUI:- Canbe read and write (Changes done in an EXE file opening in the Accessto write are saved in the proper EXE file).- Canbe read-only, very read-only, no setting or data inserted or changedwill be saved in the database without functionality loss (Idealfor demonstration, teaching, or training).- Whensaving changes, a series of backups can be created and speciallyindexed to form levels of backups, and therefore levels of restoration,at an amount that you choose and set.

You can choose from the least0 (no backup) to a maximum of 100 or even 101 for indefinable levels,making possible more restoration levels than when u� Top Categories� CNET 100� Appliances� Audio� Cameras� Cars� Desktops� Drones� Headphones� Laptops� Networking� Phones� Conerter Smart Home� Software� Tablets� TVs� Virtual Reality� Wearable Tech� Web Hosting� Forums� Popular Forums� Computer Help� Computer Newbies� Laptops� Phones� TVs & Home Theaters� Networking & Wireless� Windows 7� Windows 10� Cameras� All Forums � Top Categories� Apple Byte� Carfection� CNET Top 5� CNET Update� Googlicious� How To� Netpicks� Next Big Thing� News� On Cars� Phones� Prizefight� Tablets� Tomorrow Daily� CNET Podcasts � Top Categories� Cheapskate� Best Tech Under $50� All Deals� Tech Deals� Non-Tech Deals� Audio Deals� Cell Phone Deals� Desktop Deals� Laptop Deals� Hard Drive & Storage Deals� Printer Deals� Tablet Deals� Camera Deals� Monitor Deals� Software Deals� TV Deals� Web Hosting� VPN Services� WordPress Hosting� Domain Names CNET's Forum on office & productivity software is the best source for finding help, troubleshooting, or tips from a community of experts.

Exchange knowledge, and get help on all the latest office software and productivity tools-from various office suites word processing to spreadsheets. You are posting a reply to: how exr convert mdb file to exeThe posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Please refer to our CNET Forums policies for details. All submitted content is subject to our Terms of Use. Track this discussion and email me when there are updatesIf you're asking for technical help, please be sure to mxb all your system conveter, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.

Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums-revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. Preview post Submit post Cancel post Sorry, there was a problem flagging this post. Please try again now or at a later time.If you believe this post is offensive or violates the CNET Forums' Usage policies, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the post).

Once reported, our moderators will be notified and the post will be reviewed. Disruptive posting: Flaming or ocnverter other convertdr Illegal activities: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content Offensive: Converte explicit or offensive language Spam: Advertisements or commercial links Microsoft at one time had an Access developer's kit with a RUN TIME system for developers to compile and distribute an Access system.

Its been years since I looked at it but it rang in at over 4,000 bucks.Since then we moved to MySQL for the database engine (free, look on then Visual Basic for the frontend.

If you code it right the enduser just hits return to install MySQL and MyODBC and your application.The runtime cost for such an application is now zero and for us has been worth the time.Cheers,Bob Thank you very much Bob!!! But can you pleas tell me how to do this and what (with programs or tools) I need for fiile.

The cost is not so importent for me. I have so many jobs alrady done with MS ACCESS. The product was by Microsoft. It may or may not be available any more.As to MySQL and client applications, the MySQL, MyODBC is easy to find and free to use from the web. Just google those names.As to the client applications, if you've dabbled in VBA then move cobverter VB or VB.NET and there are fine examples of using SQL from VB that make movement to a more stable system easy.Cheers,Bob states the software is included on your CD, but you've got to buy a license to run the distributed version.You must have a MSDN Universal subscription or buy the Microsoft Visual Studio The runtime was an option for some, but failed us as we found that there are other requirements for the runtime to function.For example, all the OS and system requirements for Office 2003 remain in full force even though you have just the runtime.

There are also some features you can't use in the runtime that would work in the full version. Hopefully the author of the application didn't use those.Our migration away from Access has been a boon to our bottomline plus we have stability that was only msb about back when we inherited the Access applications.

We're not going back.Bob � cnet� Reviews� All Reviews� Audio� Cameras� Laptops� Phones� Roadshow� Smart Home� Tablets� TVs� News� Mdb file to exe converter News� Apple� Crave� Internet� Microsoft� Mobile� Sci-Tech� Security� Tech Industry� Video� All Video� Apple Byte� Carfection� CNET Top 5� CNET Update� Next Big Thing� On Cars� Tomorrow Daily� CNET Podcasts� More� About CBS Interactive� About CNET� CNET ede CNET Deals� CNET Forums� CNET Magazine� CNET Mobile� Help Center� Permissions� Follow CNET via.� Facebook� Twitter� Google+� YouTube� LinkedIn� Tumblr� Pinterest� Newsletters� RSS Hi Guys.

Can anyone tell me how to Convert Access 2000 mdb file to exe. I want to create a standalone executable which my users can download as a freebe for signing up.I recall in the past seeing the option to convert an access mdb file to an exe, coverter been some years since I last did this but cant remember how.

Anyone point me in the rile direction pleaseCheers Kili I do not think converting it to an executable (if possible) would allow you to use it as a database. Why not just create an extractor/installer using a [self-extracting ZIP creator program or [url=]NSIS]( and include the database along with the program.

It shouldn't matter if the user has Access installed or not, as Windows comes with data access drivers. Off Topic:why would you like to provide an Access database file as a freebie for signing up?

I've seen screensavers, photos, etc. being offered as signing up bonuses but never seen nor heard of an Access Database as a signing up bonus. Thanks Guys. My worry is that not all users will be using the same version that I create the database in. I can convert to access 97 and 2000 formats.Do you think that would cover most users?Most of the people I will be aiming this at are not likley to be database litierate they just want to point and clickCheers Kili asp_funda said:Almost all popular Office suites can open MDB files & almost every computer user has some kind of Office Suite installed, its a necessity.

So there's no need to convert the MDB file to an EXE Off Topic:why would you like to provide an Access database file as a freebie for signing up? I've seen screensavers, photos, etc. being offered as signing up bonuses but never seen nor heard of an Access Database as a signing up bonus.It's going to be a hiking database.

Over the years many people I've met when trekking various conutries keep records of there walks hikes treks whatever you want to call them. With cpnverter in mind I came up with two ideas.�Create a downlaodable database with fileds forHike nameDifficltyimagesetc, etc�Create an online version using PHP and MYsql in an effort to get them bakc to the site, here they could update there own data where ever and when ever they want.Not sure if this would be of intrest to the majaority or not.Thought I would give it a go to make the site stickey/Interactive.What do you think guys?Kili To answer your first concern first, I advise that you provide your database in Access97 format.

That's bound to converted accessible to almost all users.Secondly, if you expect your visitors to be database illiterate, then how do you expect them to work out on the EXE file? It'll still be an Access file.Better way is to create a form kind of thing in VB or VC++ or Delphi, whatever you know & give it as exe & the database as mdb. If you are going to use VB or VC++, then don't use ADO for database connection. Use either DAO or a file DSN, b'coz ADO is not available on WindowsME and lower.

Its only available in Windows2000 & above.In that form of yours, you can do a GUI interface allowing users to view data of database by just point-&-click & can also provide the option to add more data. asp_funda said:To answer your first concern first, I advise that you provide your database in Access97 format. That's bound to be accessible to almost all users.Secondly, if you expect your visitors to be database illiterate, then how do you expect them to work out on the EXE file?

It'll still be an Access file.Better way is to create a form kind of thing in VB or VC++ or Delphi, whatever you know & give it as exe & the database as mdb. If you are going to use VB cohverter VC++, then don't use ADO for database connection.

Use either DAO or a file DSN, b'coz ADO is not available on WindowsME and lower. Its only available in Windows2000 & above.In that form of yours, you can do a GUI interface allowing users to view data of database by just point-&-click & can also provide the option to add more data.Hi Aspfunda' Secondly, if you expect your visitors to be database illiterate, then how do you expect them to work out on the EXE file?

It'll still be an Access file. exee think you misunderstand. There was a time when you could compile an Access mdb file to an exe for your users to run it by clicking on it so that it iran as a standalone app. They would simply enter the data after that.I have my son teaching me PHP & Msql at the moment ( I knew there was a reason for having kids lol.) and he's shown me how cile create the database tables forms to input and read from the database for an online version.

But I would still like to create an app which uses an installer and allows the user to input there own data.Cheers Kili �CXO�Cloud�Big Data�Security�Innovation� More�Software�Data Centers�Networking�Startups�Tech & Work�All Topics� Sections:�Photos�Videos�All Writers�� Newsletters� Forums� Resource Library� Tech Pro Free Trial� Editions: US� United States� Australia� United Kingdom� Japan�� Newsletters� Forums� Resource Library� Rile Pro Free Trial� �� Topics:�CXO�Cloud�Big Data�Security�Innovation�Software�Data Mdv & Work�All Topics� Sections:�Photos�Videos�All Writers�� Newsletters� Forums� Resource Library� Tech Pro Free Trial� Editions: US� United States� Australia� United Kingdom� Japan� Membership Membership� It would be nice to be able to package an Access application I've written and convertwr it directly to a customer, or use the Internet as a marketing and distribution tool.But that's just not going to happen.The developer edition does add a few features to Office that are missing in the standard version.

But there is no "compilation" step in Access.You can send an application as an. MDE, but mdb file to exe converter no such thing as an .EXE you can deliver.You can, of course, build an .EXE in Visual Basic or another programming language, and use the Access .MDB as the data source, but using another development system would mean rebuilding all the forms and reports in the Access application.The bad news is Access is notoriously difficult to distribute to large numbers of users.The problem distributing Access applications lies in the many different versions and formats of Office that exist.

Installing an application built in Access 2000 might, for instance, break Access 97 applications and/or Access 2003 applications already residing on the user's computer.Just having a different Office service pack installed is enough to cause an application to stop working or refuse to install properly.Your best bet in getting converyer Access application distributed is to invest in a professional installation tool such as Wise ( or InstallShield (, then get the SageKey installation scripts ( to build your distribution package.The bottom line is distributing an Access application to large numbers of users is a daunting task.

SageKey, Wise, and InstallShield provide an acceptable path to distributing Access applications, but at a fairly high cost of time and expense. I am using Access 2003 as developing platform, and then use the free:- Congerter Access 2007 Developing Extensions- MS Access 2007 RuntimeIt works fine.See Create a new discussionIf you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.

Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums-revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. � Cloud� Piracy� Security� Apple� Microsoft� IT Employment� Google� Open Source� Mobility� Social Enterprise� Community� Smartphones� Operating Systems� Windows� Mac� Malware� Tablets� Networking� Browser� Hardware� Software� Web Developerment� Linux� Off TopicMessage Body Please note: Do not post advertisements, offensive material, profanity, or personal attacks.

Please remember to be considerate of other members. If you're new to the TechRepublic Forums, please read our TechRepublic Forums FAQ. All submitted content is subject to our Terms Of Use.

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