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EXCELSIORSExcelsiors are booties that lets you make Type C (Orange) weapons and Elite force reavers. Listed below are types of Excelsiors.TypesBlack ExcelsiorMelee/Dark ForceBlue ExclesiorStaff / Wind ForceBrown ExcelsiorEarth ForceGreen ExcelsiorBowNavy ExcelsiorWater ForceOlive ExcelsiorPurple ExcelsiorPurple Item CombinerRed ExclesiorFire Arm / Fire ForceWhite ExcelsiorHoly ForceYellow ExcelsiorLauncherFormsExcelsiors comes in 2 forms - Complete Excelsiors and Excelsior Pieces.

Complete Excelsiors are also dropped in Couldron and Elan monsters.Excelsior PiecesComplete ExcelsiorGradeGrade AUsed for Level 30-35 weapon / shieldGrade BUsed for Level 40 weapon / shieldGrade CUsed for Level 45 weapon / shieldCombination Recipe�Gold and Silver Catalyst are sold in Tools NPC�Combinations might fail and some materials gets destroyed.�You pay a fee of 100k even if the combination fails.++=10 Pieces5 Silver Catalyst2 Gold CatalystGrade A++=15 Pieces12 Silver Catalyst5 Gold CatalystGrade B++=30 Pieces20 Silver Catalyst10 Gold CatalystGrade C � ForCe ComBinaTioN (6)� Map (5)� AbiLity ExTractioN (1)� AbiiLity ComBinaTioN (1)� BooSteR ComBINatiON (1)� BooTy DeCompoTitioN (1)� ClaSs Armor C (1)� ExCeLsioRs (1)� Map SettE (1)� Map VulcaNo (1)� Map_cora (1)� Maps AccreTia (1)� Maps Belato (1)� PLace Combine (1)� ProoF of WarioR CombiNaTion (1)� WeaPoN ComBiNatioN (1) Solution home RF Online Items Excelsior PiecesModified on: Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 7:25 PMExcelsior pieces can be obtained by killing monsters.

You can either upgrade them to Excelsiors or sell five of the same color for 1 Gold.IconNameBlackExcelsior PieceBlueExcelsior PieceBrownExcelsior PieceGreenExcelsior PieceNavyExcelsior PieceOliveExcelsior PiecePurpleExcelsior PieceRedExcelsior PieceWhiteExcelsior PieceYellowExcelsior PieceDid you find it helpful?YesNo Send feedback � Home� ABOUT� RACES/CLASSES� BELLATO CLASSES� ACCRETIAN CLASSES� CORA CLASSES� COMBINING� TALICS & JEWELRY� EXCELCIORS� BOOSTERS / JETPACKS� FORCE SPELLS / REAVERS� WEAPON COMBINATION� LEON WEAPONS� LEON TYPE C WEAPONS� TYPE C LVL 26-30 BEAM SABER� TYPE C SHIELD� TYPE C ARMOR� TYPE C RELICS� BLUE STONE COMBINATIONS� 174, 175 & 176 RINGS (ACC)� ELEMENTAL ACCESSORY UPGRADING� BOOTY HUNTING ITEMS� DAIDALOS ARMOR L-TYPE� WALLPAPERS/FAN ART� RF SKINS�� MAP GUIDES Basic Spell + Master Spell + Elemental Talic + Excelsior =Elite Force Reaver Navy Excelsior: Water Element ForceBlack Excelsior: Dark Element ForceRed Excelsior: Fire Element ForceWhite Excelsior: Holy Element ForceBrown Excelsior: Earth Element ForceBlue Excelsior: Wind Element Force To make acomplete excelsior, take the materials for one of the listed recipes below(remember the color of excelsior peices you use will produce a completeexcelsior of the same color) to the Hero NPC.

Using the Item Combinationsystem, place the materials into the window and combine assuming the combiningdoesnt fail, you will receive one complete excelsior.

Please note, a 100k fee istaken on each attempt, successfull or not. � RF FAQ� RF COMMANDS� SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS� ANTI LAG� SPECIAL QUESTS- BCC� SPECIAL QUESTS- ACC� SPECIAL QUESTS- CCC� MONSTERS LVL 51-72� MONSTERS LVL 41-50� MONSTERS LVL 31-40� MONSTERS LVL 21-30� MONSTERS LVL 11-20� MONSTERS LVL 1-10 IconNameNPC salesEffectBlack Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Black ExcelsiorRed Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Red ExcelsiorBlue Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Blue ExcelsiorGreen Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Green ExcelsiorYellow Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Yellow ExcelsiorPurple Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Purple ExcelsiorWhite Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into White ExcelsiorBrown Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Brown ExcelsiorOlive Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Olive ExcelsiorNavy Excelsior PieceXItem needed to be combined into Navy ExcelsiorBlack Excelsior AXUsed for combining close range weapon item, and elite dark force reaverBlack Excelsior BXUsed for combining close range weapon item, and elite dark force reaverBlack Excelsior CXUsed for combining close range weapon item, and elite dark force reaverRed Excelsior AXUsed for combining firearm weapon item, and elite fire force reaverRed Excelsior BXUsed for combining firearm weapon item, and elite fire force reaverRed Excelsior CXUsed for combining firearm weapon item, and elite fire force reaverBlue Excelsior AXUsed for combining staff type weapon item and elite wind force reaverBlue Excelsior BXUsed for combining staff type weapon item and elite wind force reaverBlue Excelsior CXUsed for combining staff type weapon item and elite wind force reaverGreen Excelsior AXUsed for combining bow type weapon itemGreen Excelsior Rf online excelsior pieces for combining bow type weapon itemGreen Excelsior CXUsed for combining bow type weapon itemYellow Excelsior AXUsed for combining launcher type weapon itemYellow Excelsior BXUsed for rf online excelsior pieces launcher type weapon itemYellow Excelsior CXUsed for combining launcher type weapon itemPurple Excelsior AXNeeded to extract ability and to combine class C armor itemPurple Excelsior Rf online excelsior pieces to combine class C armor itemPurple Excelsior CXNeeded to insert ability and to combine class C armor itemWhite Excelsior AXUsed for combining elite holy force reaverWhite Excelsior BXUsed for combining elite holy force reaverWhite Excelsior CXUsed for combining elite holy force reaverBrown Excelsior AXUsed for combining elite tera force reaverBrown Excelsior BXUsed for combining elite tera force reaverBrown Excelsior CXUsed for combining elite tera force reaverOlive Excelsior AXMaterial needed for combining the capeOlive Excelsior BXMaterial needed for combining the capeOlive Excelsior CXMaterial needed for combining the capeNavy Excelsior AXUsed for combining elite aqua force reaverNavy Excelsior BXUsed for combining elite aqua force reaverNavy Excelsior CXUsed for combining elite aqua force reaver � RF Online - Jewel Item (Gem, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)� RF Online - All Ammo� RF Online - Combination Item Upgrader� RF Online - Potion Item Accretia� RF Online - Miscellaneous item� RF Online - Potion Item Bellato� RF Online - Potion Item Cora� RF Online - All Jade� RF Online - Box Item Mall� RF Online Excelsior Piece �>2015(5)�>January(5)��2014(48)�>November(1)�>July(10)��June(37)� LEGO Minifigures Online� Archlord 2� Swordman� Onigiri� New MMORPG in 2014� RF Online - Potion Item Cora� RF Online - Potion Item Bellato� RF Online - Potion Item Accretia� RF Online - Ore Item� RF Online - Miscellaneous item� RF Online - Manufacturing Resources Item� RF Online - Leon Piece� RF Online - Jewel Item (Gem, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)� RF Online - All Ammo� RF Online - All Jade� RF Online Excelsior Piece� RF Online - Combination Item Upgrader� RF Online - Class Skill� RF Online - Box Item Mall� RF Online - Booster Cora� RF Online - Booster Bellato� RF Online - Booster Accretia� RF Online - Ability Item� RF Online : Mendapatkan Ability dari Weapon Tipe A.� RF Online - Membuat Senjata Injurer� RF Online - Membuat Chip RF dari Talic� Cara Membuat Charm / Burst Generator RF Online Per.� Massive Armored Units� Launcher Accretia Part 2� Launcher Accretia (part1)� How to play RF Online� BELLATO Union� Holy Alliance CORA� Three Nations� Perfect World International Introduction� RF Online Guide (SKILL, JOB dan PENGEMBANGAN KARAK.� RF Online Introduction � PROMMORPG� Administration� LineAge II� Rising Force Online� Perfect World� World of WarcraftPROMMORPG.COM > PROMMORPG.COM GAME SERVERS > Rising Force Online > RF General Discussionswhre i cant get excelsiorUser NameRemember Me?Password Go to Page.News & AnnouncementsAttention!!!

Make sure to update your launcher or you can't go into the game. First time here? Think to play server ReactorRF or not to play? Read responses of players and you precisely want to play with us. How to play on RF Online Server How to play on LineAge2 Server Quote:Originally Posted by Unit45all i won to know where can i get excelsior??

cause this item not drop from monsterand if we want to build tower we must use this item so i dont understan how i can build towerPLz help me sircontrol 213 or 117 or ask the guild leader of the guild wich are possesing those areas. Quote:Originally Posted by Archerguyor maybe you want to farm @ elven mapthere's a mobs that would drop someweks if i farm ion that map 1 hit i die bro- Post added at 03:57 PM - Previous post was at 03:51 PM -Quote:Originally Posted by Hellraisacontrol 213 or 117 or ask the guild leader of the guild wich are possesing those areas.i dont have a guildhmm .

which I know to make our excelsior A B or C (prosesing) we need excelsior piecein another rf server excelsior piece drop from a monsterbut in this server i dont know what monster drop excelsior piece ??? no monster that drop excel piece in this serverso you have no other option and choose between farm @ elven map (which drop complete excel)or ask the guild master of rf online excelsior pieces guild that possessing settlement (213/117/haram/numerus/solus/anacande) Go to " TOOL NPC (HQ)" and buy Gold and Silver Catalyst, and go to HERO (NPC) and click Item Combination.The Recipe are:10 Pcs.

Excelsior Pieces + 5 Silver Catalyst + 2 Gold Catalyst = Grade A Excelsior15 Pcs. Excelsior Pieces + 12 Silver Catalyst + 5 Gold Catalyst = Grade B Excelsior30 Pcs.

Excelsior Pieces + 20 Silver Catalyst + 10 Gold Catalyst = Grade C ExcelsiorNOTE:Grade A Excelsior (Level 30-35 Weapon)Grade B Excelsior (Level 40 Weapon)Grade C Excelsior (Level 45 Weapon)Black Excelsior - Melee Weapon / Dark ForceBlue Excelsior - Staff / Wind ForceBrown Excelsior - Earth ForceGreen Excelsior - BowNavy Excelsior - Water ForceOlive Excelsior - JetpackPurple Excelsior - Purple Item CombinerRed Excelsior - Fire Arm / Fire ForceWhite Excelsior - Holy ForceYellow Excelsior - LauncherExcelsior are used to combine 2 the same kind of weapon:Example:Strong Field Lance + Intense Field Lance + Black Excelsior Type C = Strong Intence Field LanceP.S.Combining Excelsior are done on Hero (NPC) with a payment of 100,000 (Race Currency) and Combining Weapon are done also on Hero (NPC).Combining Excelsior might Failed and Destroy the Material you used and you still Pay 100,000 (Race Currency) Even it failed.Combining Weapon might Failed and Destroy the Material you used, but you will still retain the 2 weapon (Only the Excelsior you used are destroyed)and you still pay 100,000 (Race Currecy).JUST CROSS YOU FINGER AND TURN OFF THE MONITOR EVERYTIME YOU COMBINE.

GOOD LUCK LolsThis post has been modified on Mar 232008 08:27:50 PM by choozen1.Return to the listSignature Quote:Originally Posted by choozen1Combining Weapon might Failed and Destroy the Material you used, but you will still retain the 2 weapon (Only the Excelsior you used are destroyed)and you still pay 100,000 (Race Currecy).ACTUALLY THEIR IS A CHANCE THAT THE TWO(2) WEAPONS(TypeA & B) WOULD BE DISTROYED AS WELL.IT HAPPENS TO ME SOMETIMES.LOL.This post has been modified on Dec 232009 07:47:19 AM by xLev69. [b]Reply [url=]1#[/url] [i]PinV[/i][/b] [br] [br]how can i dissolve typeC excelsior to make typeA excelsior.

??124.*.*.164May 3, 2015 10:12 pm Loading knowledgebase suggestions.Complete Excelsior Guide SolutionEXCELSIOR'SExcelsior's are booties that lets you make Type C (Orange) weapons, Ban me for Advertising force reavers, Jetpacks and they also needed to place Guard Towers. Listed below are types of Excelsiors.Black Excelsior Melee/Dark Force / Cora TowersBlue Excelsior Staff / Wind ForceBrown Excelsior Earth ForceGreen Excelsior BowNavy Excelsior Water ForceOlive Excelsior JetpackPurple Excelsior Purple Item CombinerRed Excelsior Fire Arm / Fire ForceWhite Excelsior Holy Force / Bellato TowersYellow Excelsior Launcher / Accretian TowersFormsExcelsior's comes in 2 forms - Complete Excelsior's and Excelsior Pieces.Excelsior PiecesComplete ExcelsiorThere are 3 Grades of Complete ExcelsiorGrade AGrade BGrade CCombination Recipe�Gold and Silver Catalyst are sold in Tools NPC�Combination's might fail and some materials gets destroyed.�Combine at Hero�You pay a fee of 100k even if the combination fails.10 Pieces Excelsior Pieces + 5 Silver Catalyst + 2 Gold Catalyst = Grade A Complete Excelsior15 Pieces Excelsior Pieces + 12 Silver Catalyst + 5 Gold Catalyst = Grade B Complete Excelsior30 Pieces Excelsior Pieces + 20 Silver Catalyst + 10 Gold Catalyst = Grade C Complete Excelsior . Hello customers, welcome to Goldceo!

thanks to the loyal and new customers for supporting us all the time, we will devote all our effortsto returning. By the way, this RF guide was taken from other site, Hope you like.Go to "TOOL NPC (HQ)" and buy Gold( RF online gold) and Silver Catalyst, and go to HERO (NPC) and click Item Combination.The Recipe are:10 Pcs.

Excelsior Pieces + 5 Silver Catalyst + 2 Gold Catalyst = Grade A Excelsior15 Pcs. Excelsior Pieces + 12 Silver Catalyst + 5 Gold Catalyst = Grade B Excelsior30 Pcs. Excelsior Pieces + 20 Silver Catalyst + 10 Gold Catalyst = Grade C ExcelsiorNOTE: Grade A Excelsior (Level 30-35 Weapon).

Grade B Excelsior (Level 40 Weapon). Grade C Excelsior (Level 45 Weapon)White Excelsior - Holy ForceRed Excelsior - Fire Arm / Fire ForcePurple Excelsior - Purple Item CombinerOlive Excelsior - JetpackNavy Excelsior - Water ForceGreen Excelsior - BowBrown Excelsior - Earth ForceBlue Excelsior - Staff / Wind ForceBlack Excelsior - Melee Weapon( RF gold) / Dark ForceYellow Excelsior - LauncherStrong Field Lance + Intense Field Lance + Black Excelsior Type C = Strong Intence Field Lance.

Excelsior are used to combine 2 the same kind of weapon.Combining Excelsior are done on Hero (NPC) with a payment of 100,000 (Race Currency) and Combining Weapon are done also on Her(NPC).Combining Excelsior might Failed and Destroy the Material youused and you still Pay 100,000 (Race Currency) Even it failed. You will still retain the 2 weapon (Only the Excelsior you used are destroyed)and you still pay 100,000 (Race Currecy) bycombining Weapon might Failed and Destroy the Material you used.Hope it is useful, we are glad to help you if you have any question or wanna buy RF powerleveling service fromour website.Just contact with our customer service!

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